Add water in a wok or a large shallow frying pan to cover about 1 cm of the pork belly when submerged. Bring to rolling boil over high heat.
Place the pork belly (skin side down) into the water, then remove after about 10 seconds.
Using a pointed sharp knife or a meat tenderizer with spikes, poke tiny holes on the entire surface of the skin. Lots and lots of holes.
Mix the marinade in a small bowl: Chinese 5-spice powder, Chinese rose wine, fermented bean curd (optional), ground white pepper, and salt.
Rub the marinade on the meat side of the pork belly. Do not rub the marinade on the skin.
Place the pork belly on a plate (meat side down) and let it marinade in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F.
Take the pork belly out of the fridge and rub ½ a teaspoon of salt on the skin.
Line a baking sheet with foil, place a wire rack on top of the baking sheet, then the pork on the wire rack (skin side up).
Roast for 40 minutes on the center rack of your oven.
Take the pork belly out of the oven to move the oven rack closer to the broiler (on the top). Put the pork belly back in the oven, then increase the temperature to 450 degrees F.
The skin will start to crackle and blister. As soon as the surface of the pork skin is golden brown and all blistery (this should take about 10 minutes), take it out of the oven.
Let it sit for about 15 minutes before cutting into bite sized pieces.
Serve with steamed white rice, or with Chinese style hot mustard (or both!)